Working on messaging for UCF

But what is it that we DO?

Let’s get on Familiar Terms

Our work spans brand strategy, strategic planning, qualitative research, neuromarketing and customer behavioral analysis to creative direction, concept development, lots of writing (copy, scripts, white papers, presentations, etc.) and group facilitation.

Our clients tend to be mission focused, within the industries of health, education and new technologies, and usually come to us with a desire to communicate more effectively, express an idea more vividly or influence hearts and minds more powerfully.

Deliverables typically fall within one of the categories below, but no two projects are ever exactly alike.

Insight discovery and brand development

In-depth interviews, intercepts, focus groups, social media listening and secondary analyses are our go-to research formats to uncover the kind of meaningful insights that drive strategies and messaging. Our brand development includes strategic roles and positioning, identity (message and visual), architecture and portfolio creation. When we’ve done a good job with the legwork, a multiplicity of good ideas will inevitably emerge.

sales, customer and social media content

We’ve applied insights, brand strategies and messaging platforms to create everything from sizzle videos to interactive sales presentations to subject matter blogs and high-tech white papers to greeting cards, Instagram posts and billboards. If you call it content, we probably create it.

Message/story boards, platforms and manifestos

We are compulsive storytellers, and genuinely curious, and our clients have powerful messages to share. We help them bring those stories to life by creatively employing the essentials of storytelling that gets noticed and remembered – while staying true to the foundational values of your organization.

creative strategy and development

Every art form from music to painting to film includes myriad genres. Similarly, there’s always more than one strategically sound creative expression of your brand personality and promise. It’s our goal to give you at least two or more distinctly different creative solutions that are so compelling, you’ll be hard-pressed to choose. (But choose you must, because lumping two or more good ideas together is almost always a bad idea.)